WAN Optimization, Multi-Line WAN Optimization, WAN Acceleration, TCP Protocol

WAN Optimization ROI Calculator Controller A WAN Optimization Controller (WOC) is an appliance that can be placed In-line or Ou...

A WAN Optimization Controller (WOC) is an appliance that can be placed In-line or Out-of-Path to reduce and optimize the data that is to be transmitted over the LAN/MAN/WAN. These devices are designed to help mitigate the effects of packet loss, network congestion, and latency while reducing the overall amount of data to be transmitted over the network.
In general, the technologies utilized in accomplishing this are
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) acceleration, data-deduplication, and compression. Additionally, features such as QoS, Forward Error Correction (FEC), and Encryption may also be available.Network links and WAN circuits can have high latency and/or packet loss as well as limited capacity. WAN Optimization Controllers can be used to maximize the amount of data that can be transmitted over a link. In some cases, these appliances may be a necessity, depending on performance requirements. WAN and data optimization can occur at varying layers of the OSI stack, whether it be at the network and transport layer, the session,
presentation, and application layers, or just to the data (payload) itself.

latest wan optimization technology

Applies to the WAN side of the appliance and should be set to the amount of bandwidth to be made available to the appliance on the WAN side. Inputting a value also configures the tunnel max bandwidth configuration variable. 

References several techniques to accelerate the TCP protocol. TCP acceleration uses
techniques such as selective acknowledgement, window scaling, and transaction size adjustment to compensate for poor performance on high latency links.

Using Multiple WAN Links

Enterprises increasingly seek to take advantage of hybrid public/private WAN transports, but maintain the assurance that key performance criteria will still be met. To make effective use of both paths, IT needs to apply business policies to each link and monitor their performance. Most WAN optimization platforms overlook this WAN deployment scenario and fail to help IT make full use of these dual links.

wan optimization solution


Enterprises no longer have the luxury of securing just their private WANs and avoiding the Internet for business transactions. Instead, they need to make use of both transports. Thus, IT needs tools to make all transports secure enough for these business transmissions. For WAN optimization platforms,two aspects of security are critical: securing the device itself and securing the data that traverses th
Increasing Application Performance For application performance across the WAN to improve, the WAN must fundamentally behave more
like a LAN. Making that improvement requires a combination of increasing WAN capacity throughcompression and caching, as well as removing the limitations of distance by speeding up transport and application protocols.

wan technology diagram

Increasing WAN Capacity

The classic option for increasing the size of the WAN link is to upgrade the capacity of that
constrained link. The upgrade option, however, either comes at a high price in both dollars and time,or sometimes isn’t even available. WAN Optimization provides a far more costeffective and timely solution, using market-leading compression and caching to gain instant WAN capacity on the existing

wan topology

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  1. Hi,
    Nice description on differentiating WAN Optimization, Multi-Line WAN Optimization & WAN Acceleration. Recently my friend suggested me to take Wan service for my office & for that I had contacted with Wanos.co. But according to them they are providing both single line & multi line Wan optimisation. I had unknown about this but after your post I found some knowledge regarding this.
    Thanks for sharing this informative post.

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